Kitchen love: Sweet & Sour saucy chicken pizza

Posted by  | Thursday, February 10, 2011  at 6:30 AM  

Sweet and sour sauce

This sauce can be used as a dip for spring rolls, for stir-fries, Oriental dishes and now also pizza! It freezes really well and I always make sure I have at least one container in the freezer to use whenever.

120 ml white wine vinegar
120 ml sugar
200 ml water
10 ml oil
5 ml dried ginger
20 ml soya sauce
20 ml tomato sauce (All gold!)
30 ml corn flour

1. Heat all the ingredients except the corn flour in a saucepan.
2. Mix the corn flour with a little water and stir into the sauce.
3. Stir over medium heat until thickened and voila!

Now for the pizza

2x ready-made pizza bases (I prefer the thin ones from Woolworths)
Half the amount of sweet and sour sauce from the above recipe (1/4 per base)
250 ml chicken pieces, browned (more or less a standard chicken breast)
12 sundried tomatoes (Woolworths have lovely ones in an oil preserve)
125 ml pineapple pieces
500 ml mozzarella cheese, grated
5 ml dried basil
5 ml dried oreganum

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celcius.
2. Spread the sweet and sour sauce onto each pizza base.
3. Cut the sundried tomatoes into smaller pieces and arrange onto each base.
4. Next, arrange the chicken pieces and pineapple.
5. Top with grated cheese - add more if you prefer a really cheesy pizza.
6. To finish it off, sprinkle basil and oreganum over the cheese.
7. Bake for 8 minutes.
8. Repeat recipe.....and let me know what you think or taste for that matter!

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